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July 19, 2025 @ 10:00 am
Knox Community Gardens
51 Kleinert Road Road Boronia 3155
51 Kleinert Road Road Boronia 3155
David Taylor
Annual General Meeting
TIME: The meeting starts at 10:30 am sharp
Morning tea will be available beforehand and a BBQ lunch to follow
This is an opportunity to hear all that has been happening over the last year, our future plans and come together to celebrate.
The committee will provide members with reports in relation to:-
- Recent Activities
- The financial position of the gardens and actual running costs for the last financial year
- Upcoming Events
- Fund Raising Activities
- Festival Involvements
- Education Workshops
- Bio Security Issues (Queensland Fruit Fly)
- Recent and Ongoing Projects
- New Projects planned and being considered
- Financial, Plot Holding Members will vote on:-
- Accepting the Minutes of the last AGM & GM as accurate records
- Accepting the Financial Reports
- Setting our fees & charges for the year 1/7/26 to 30/6/27
- Election of the Committee of Management & Officeholders for the forthcoming year
Members will have the opportunity to discuss matters of interest
If you wish a matter to be formally considered please advise the Secretary by emailing