Knox Community Gardens Inc. By-Laws
1 When accepting membership applications, the committee will where possible give priority to residents and ratepayers of the City of Knox.
2 Membership Classes.
The committee at its discretion may accept applications for membership for the following categories of person or persons who qualify to be a member of the Society:
a) Individual Member is any person approved by the committee who has paid the membership fee and been allocated an allotment.
b) Family Member is any family ,approved by the committee which has paid the membership fee and been allocated an allotment.
c) Group Member is any group, approved by the committee, which has paid the membership fee and been allocated an allotment.
d) Associate member is any person, family or group approved by the committee who has paid the membership fee but has not been allocated a plot.
3 Members entitled to vote at a meeting.
a) Each member accepted under categories a), b) and c) is entitled to one vote at any meeting of the society.
b) Votes will only be accepted from Members who are financial at the date of the meeting.
c) Associate members are not entitled to vote.
4 Allocation of Allotments.
a) The committee, at its discretion, may allocate allotments to any member who wishes to cultivate same after payment of joining and membership fees as levied from time to time. Plots allocated by the committee shall where possible be by order of application.
b) Members cultivating allotments are deemed to be managing that portion of land on behalf of the society in the furtherance of its objects.
c) Each plot will be allocated as a whole plot. Private arrangements regarding actual working of a plot will in no way alter allocation rules outlined in section 4 a) above.
5 Each plot holder must spend a total of at least four hours a year on general maintenance and works to the gardens or voluntary work at club events and fundraisers. A fee may be applied to members who do not make this important contribution to our gardens.
Amended by resolution at the Annual General Meeting held on Saturday 21st September 2018
6 The committee, at its discretion, will apply the following process to address unkempt plots-
When the committee deems that a member’s plot is in an unacceptable condition, the member will be contacted (phone, text message or email) and asked to clean their plot
If after ten days no action has been taken or the member has not contacted the committee, a second contact (phone, text message or email) will be made, requesting urgent action to clean their plot
If after another ten days the issues raised have not been actioned or valid reasons for inaction given, a third and final contact (letter) will be sent, stating that if immediate action is not taken within a further ten days, their plot will be forfeited
When a plot is forfeited, the member will be advised by letter and a request made for the return of their key and/or fob for which they will receive refunds. However, the plot bond paid by the member will not be refunded.
Amended by resolution at the Annual General Meeting held on Saturday 23rd July 2022
7 The Committee may make from time to time such rules as will ensure for members the enjoyment of, and general upkeep of, all property, equipment and land managed by the Society and these rules shall be displayed at the site.
8 Non-compliance with the provisions of the Constitution, the By-Laws and any General Rules laid down in terms of rule 7 (above) can lead to disciplinary action including (but not limited to) forfeiture of any allocated plot(s) and suspension or cancellation of membership.
9 The Annual General Meeting shall be held each year in the month of July.
10 Nominations for the annual election of office bearers shall be in writing, in the hands of the Secretary, at least seven days before the Annual General Meeting and shall not be valid unless approved by the respective nominees before the meeting commences.
11 All monies shall be paid to the Treasurer of the Society and shall be payable within one month of falling due.
Members resolved to cancel all previous By-Laws and formally adopt the above By-Laws numbered 1-11 by Special Resolution at a General Meeting held on Saturday fifteenth of February201; where noted some By-Laws have been subsequently amended.
12 These By-laws, subject to the provisions of the constitution, may be added to, revoked, altered or amended at a General Meeting of the by special resolution if not less than three quarters of the members voting (whether in person or by proxy) vote in favour of the resolution.
13 That the Committee of management include a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 10 ordinary Committee Members.
Resolved at the Annual General Meeting held on Saturday 12th July 2014
14 Committee Governance-
a. Any proposed major equipment purchases, acquisitions or significant and/or important site works must have approval by the Committee of Management (COM) at a minuted meeting. The COM also has the discretion to refer the proposal to a General Meeting for member approval.
b. Any proposed minor equipment purchases, acquisitions, minor site works or minor equipment repairs must be with the consultation and approval of at least five members of the COM, two of whom must be an Office Bearer.
Added by special resolution at the Annual General Meeting held on Saturday 22nd July 2023