Knox Planting Guide

Crops  J F M A M J J A S O N D Growing Comments 
Asian Greens see link   x x x           x x x Planting can continue into summer months if plants kept shaded
Basil x                 x x x Create shade in summer months
Beetroot x x x             x x x Keep very moist for good size, especially in summer months
Broccoli    x  x              x x Beware of cabbage moth for February and December plantings
Bush beans  x  x                x  x  x Increase watering when fruiting, especially moving into summer months
Cabbage   x x             x x x Beware of cabbage moth for February and December plantings
Capsicum                       x Keep well watered while fruiting
Carrot   x             x x x   Beware of cabbage moth for February and December plantings
Celery     x x x         x x   Keep very moist during growing period, especially in warmer drier months
Climbing beans x x                 x x Increase watering when fruiting, especially moving into summer months
Cucumber x x                 x x Increase watering when fruiting; beware of mould if overwatered or high levels of humidity
Eggplant                       x Increase watering when fruiting; loves heat; stake plants
Garlic     x x x x             Soak overnight is seaweed solution before planting.
Plant anytime from mid-March up until the shortest day (June 21st) is considered suitable for Melbourne and surrounds. Ideally though, get your garlic in before the end of May. The longer it has growing in cold soil, the better it will develop. You can expect to harvest about 7 to 8 months after planting for most varieties.



Plant each one individually, about 5cm deep and about 15-20cm apart. If you have more than one row growing, space the rows up to 40cm apart. If you have plenty of space plant them the wider distance apart so that the bulbs have a larger space to develop more fully.

Lettuce     x x         x x x x Planting can continue into summer months if plants kept shaded
Parsley x                 x x x Planting can continue into summer months if plants kept shaded
Potato               x x x x x Do not overwater; hold in moisture with mulch
Pumpkin x x x               x x Create lots of space and keep out of vegie patch
Radish x x x x           x x   Plant in between other crops to take up spaces
Rocket     x x x x x x x x     Planting can continue into summer months if plants kept shaded
Snow peas   x x x           x x x Avoid watering on leaves as this can increase mould, which reduces fruiting
Spring Onions x x x x x x x x x x x x Companion plant with many of your other crops, especially strawberries
Strawberry             x x x       Increase water when fruiting; companion plant with spring onions and leeks to reduce slugs
Sugar snap peas   x x x           x x x Avoid watering on leaves as this can increase mould, which reduces fruiting
Sweet corn x x x x           x x x Grow in full sun and warm position, especially for cooler months
Sweet Potato                     x x Grows all year round
Tomato x             ! ! x x x ! Sow seeds indoors – or in a hot bed
Allow good airflow to reduce disease potential
Zucchini x x                 x x Avoid watering on leaves as this can increase mould, which reduces fruiting