This is great news we are pleased to announce that members of your committee met today with representatives of both the Knox Council and the contractors who are to be removing the vines in this the start of works for our redevelopment.
The plan is to start with the removal of the top vines between the centre road and the orchard. The contractors will be bringing on-site heavy machinery to facilitate the removal of the vines and rehabilitate the cleared area.
While the contractors are working on-site the area is designated as a construction site under the Workover and Safe Work Act.
Members are asked to give these workers every respect and courtesy they deserve.
At times some of the operations are dangerous and as such some areas will be closed off for everyone’s safety.
It may at times be necessary, during these works to close the gardens to everyone for a short time while some work is carried out safely, or some closures may be on a limited area only.
Internal roads: Currently, the east road is closed due to the potholes and poor condition of the roads at present, it is far too wet for the grader to do the necessary repairs.
Please honour the barriers
Be aware that parking close to the construction site may impeed the progress of the works. We do not want any damage to our cars.
Please use the old house block to park in if you can.