Use all year round to control
scales, aphids, mealy bugs, mites and citrus leaf miner on fruit trees, roses and ornamentals.
Take an empty jar or plastic bottle, pour in a cup of ordinary cooking oil and ¼ cup of dishwashing liquid.
Give it a good shake - you'll see it turn white.
That’s your white oil concentrate.
Label the container with the correct dilution rate – ‘one tablespoon per litre of water’.
It's important to stick with this rate because too much oil will cause leaf burn
avoid using it in very hot weather (over 25°C) because it can also burn foliage.
Mix it well before and during spraying.
Use all year round to control
scales, aphids, mealy bugs, mites and citrus leaf miner on fruit trees, roses and ornamentals.
Take an empty jar or plastic bottle, pour in a cup of ordinary cooking oil and ¼ cup of dishwashing liquid.
Give it a good shake - you'll see it turn white.
That’s your white oil concentrate.
Label the container with the correct dilution rate – ‘one tablespoon per litre of water’.
It's important to stick with this rate because too much oil will cause leaf burn
avoid using it in very hot weather (over 25°C) because it can also burn foliage.
Mix it well before and during spraying.